



Monday 30 September 2019

How To Create A Bunting

Hi assalamualaikum , its been a long time for me not posting at my blog . today i will tell you about how to create a basic bunting . So did you know bunting is a type of interpretive media . what is interpretive media ? 
Some people love personal interpretation, others find it intrusive or intimidating. Some people enjoy leaflets, others may find them difficult to read. If you offer a range of different media, for example a small guided walk program and a self-guided leaflet, you’ve got a better chance of finding a means of communicating well with a wider range of people. there is some type of interpretive media that is :
  1. Personal interpretation
  2. Printed and graphic interpretation
  3. On-site interpretation
  4. Electronic interpretation              
 So the bunting is a part of Printed and Graphic interpretation . So azmil and i have create my own bunting . so the objective in creating the bunting is to promote the subject of the course of Tourism Management at Politeknik Metro Kuantan to other student or visitor that come to the lobby of Politeknik Metro Kuantan . By doing this bunting we can attract people that interested when they read or watch this bunting . 

there is some elements that have been use in this bunting to attract visitor to read it. the elements are 

contrast is often the magical key ingredient to making your designs 'pop', which is a (sometimes frustrating) demand from many design clients. in a very basic definition, contrast is the degree of difference between to elements of your design. some common forms of contrast are dark vs light, thick vs thin, large vs small, etc

Physical frames such as box outlines or graphic elements can enhance or draw attention to specific elements of your design. framing helps to highlight, crop or decorate elements. Such a simple way of highlighting certain elements of your design can have a big impact.

Composition is a nice point to end on as it is the bringing together of every other principle we’ve discussed. Composition’ refers to the overall arrangement of elements in your design, which sounds a bit dull when explained that way, I know, but it’s actually one of the more fun elements of design. This is where you can play, experiment and make a good design look great.
Colour is paramount. Colour creates specific moods, atmospheres, channels emotions and each shade has certain specific connotations associated with it. In short, color can make or break your design. Colour isn’t a principle simply limited to branding elements though, color expands into everything, even photographs. Filters and image adjustors have given us the unlimited ability to adjust our photographs’ coloring and tones.
Bunting tools anatomy.
printing cost
printing bunting it might be from RM 20.00 to RM 30.00
for the bunting stand cost might be RM 22.00++

Hasil carian imej untuk garfield gif

Monday 16 September 2019

video interpretive talk

interpretive talk

Hi and Assalamualaikum . Today i will tell you some info about what is interpretive talk , The examples of interpretive talk and presentation, The example of interpretive presentation tools and How to apply interpretive presentation tools for different audience and resources.

Okay , now i will tell you about  What is interpretive talk.

  • Interpretive talk provides visitors with a chance to explore what a site means to them. 
  • Providing visitors with the opportunity to connect both emotionally and intellectually to resource meanings deepens visitors’ experiences and helps lead to resource preservation

2. The examples of interpretive talk and presentation :
  • as an example , by doing interpretive talk can present the purpose of the place 
  • The discussion may be related to and build upon the knowledge of  the past visitors and exposure to the subject.
3. Example of interpretive presentation tools :
  1. Microsoft Events
  2. Powtoon
  3. Canva
  4. SlideCamp
  5. VideoScribe
4. How to apply interpretive presentation tools for different audience and resources. 

                                      Hasil carian imej untuk microsoft
introduced the ability to create live and on-demand events in Microsoft 365. These events can be viewed in real time or on demand by remote co-workers or even workers who were present in the meeting but want to reference what was said. It combines HD video with machine learning to create a speaker timeline, speech-to-text transcriptions and time coding, and closed captioning.

                                   Hasil carian imej untuk powtoon
an animated presentation and video platform for creating short informational videos and presentations about your brand or product. Explainer videos are an important part of a brand's message, and Powtoon is an affordable tool for creating animated videos and presentations to educate consumers and clients about your business.

                                                         Hasil carian imej untuk canva 
Canva is a drag-and-drop presentation tool where you get hundreds of amazing layouts to create presentations on any subject. As I experienced, you can choose the suitable images, fonts, colours, and lot more to suit your brand requirements. Also, you get access to over a million of quality, stock photos, and can also upload custom images. 

                                                     Hasil carian imej untuk slidecamp
provide slide templates for creating company presentations. You can adjust color schemes, add company logos, import charts and data, build infographics, and organize presentations into sections with SlideCamp. This is a great solution for maintaining presentation consistency across multiple presentations from your organization.  

                                          Hasil carian imej untuk videoscribe
is a whiteboard video presentation platform that allows small businesses to customize their presentations to fit their needs. These videos, which feature a whiteboard and hand that "draws" different objects and slides in the presentation, are ideal for quick explainers and marketing videos on your business or product

Thursday 12 September 2019

travelling to penang using interpretation method

Hi Assalamualaikum, today i will tell you about interpretation media that have been used in my class trip to Pulau Pinang on 5th of September until 9th of September. This trip is our assesment for our Expidition subject in semester 4 .

The interpretation media that have been used is Personal Interpretation

This picture show that we are at Masjid Kapitan Keling 

Personal interpration is when visitors interact with someone face to face such as during a guided walk or talk, or through a live performance or presentation from artists, actors and activity and workshop leaders . On that day ,Syira was our tour guide . So this is an example for personal interpretation. 

As i can see there are strength and weakness for this interpretation media . So the strength is :

-Can reach many visitor one time , as we can in the photo, Syira can tell about Masjid Kapitan Keling to all of my class member in the same time

-Its helps process more effective and conceptual. As an example , if i want more information about that Masjid Kapitan Keling i can ask Syira for explaining more detail.

-it is easy for tourist to communicate if they are not understand . As an example , Syira giving the information about that Masjid Kapitan Keling too fast and i cannot catch up what is she saying i can ask her to explain to me 

Personal interpration also have the weakness . they are :

*Cannot be use everywhere - if travel alone it is not worth it to pay a tour guide to guide our trip  
*Time consuming - if we in a trip , we must follow the itenary so it will consume some time so we will late if there is something that delay in the place .  

So the trip was so amazing beacuse i got a lot of new exprience and interesting information . By the way , it is the first time for me travel to the Northen state in Malaysia. Okay , thats all from me thank you . hope to see you again

Thursday 22 August 2019

how to edit a poster by uisng mobile and pc

hello and assalamuakum , today i wll give you some tutorial usimg these softwre :

Hasil carian imej untuk picsart logo

                                               1) picsart

                                   Step 1: Adjust the image contrast.

Open up your chosen image and adjust the contrast to improve the look of the poster effect. Select “Effects” from the toolbar at the bottom of the screen and select “Color Adjust>Contrast”. Adjust the slider until you are happy with the results.

poster effect

                                    Step 2: Add the poster effect.

Now go to “Effects>Artistic” and select “Poster”.

poster effect tutorial

poster effect tutorial


Step 3: Brush out the photo effect.

When you have applied the poster effect, you can then experiment with adjusting the sliders to control how your shot will look. You can also use the brush to scrub out the poster effect in certain areas, creating an image that mixes the effect and your original photo.

poster effect tutorial

Hasil carian imej untuk photoshop logo


Step 1: Create the Photoshop Document

Let’s start by creating a new document. Press Ctrl/Cmd + N and set the document size to 800x1100px with a white background.

Step 2: Create the Blue Gradient Background

Double-click on the Background layer to unlock it. Choose the Gradient Tool (G) and set the gradient colors to #229EB7 and #186978.

Step 3: Add Texture to the Blue Background

Now go to the High-Resolution Grungy Paper Textures download page on Six Revisions and then download the first texture called Grungy Paper 01. Open it in Photoshop and, using the Move Tool (V), drag it into our main document

Step 4: Adding Photoshop Guides

When working with design layouts, and especially those that involve text blocks, Photoshop guides will help you by making it easier to align your design components.
Let’s add 4 guides. To add a guide, you can go to View > New Guide.

Step 5: Add Some Text to the Poster

Hasil carian imej untuk snapseed logo
STEP 1 :

Open SnapSeed Application And Select Your Silhouette Picture In SnapSeed 

STEP 2 :

First You Have To Select"White Balance" Option

Increase Temperature....
Because It Increases The Sunset Colour..

STEP 3 :

Major Part Is U Have To Know How To Use Tune Image Option...So I Explain..How To Use Tune Image Option...
Select " Tune Image" Option

Select Saturation Option

increase Saturation..This Is Your Choice... Increase The Saturation To Your Need..
Im Increasing My Saturation To  100 Which Is Good For My Silhouette

then Select"Shadows" Option..And Reduce Shadow Level.....
So It Reduces The Shadow Level...I Mean Black Colour...
It's A Too Useful Option To Reduce Shadows...

then Select. " Warmth" Option...And Increase The Level Of Warmth...
So This One Increases The Warmth Colour Like Orange,Red,Sunset Colour...

then Select The "Contrast" Option..If It Is Necessary....
Increase Or Reduce...Its Your Choice....
For My Self Im Increasing Contrast To  11
STEP 4 :

Tap On Selective Option...
And Increase Or Reduce The Colours..
Now Im Reducing The Clouds Black Colour To -12

So Finally My poster Is Ready .... just fill in the text 
                             so Friends...I Hope This Is A Useful Tutorial For You..

                             Give Your Valuable Comments In Comment Section

Hasil carian imej untuk canva logo


How to make a poster

  1. step 1
  2. Get the right size. With Canva, this couldn’t be easier—we have standard poster sizes preset to make it simple.

  3. step 2
  4. Choose a poster template, or design your poster from scratch. Canva has thousands of templates to choose from! Select a design that suits the message you’re trying to get across.

  5. step 3
  6. Customize your poster. Add your own images or one from our stock library (we have millions to choose from). Change the colors and fonts to suit your needs.

  2. .

                                        Hasil carian imej untuk spark adobe

                                                      spark adobe 

  1. Step 1: Select Your Size

    Before you start designing your poster, first you’ll need to choose how big you want your poster to be!
    . At the bottom on your screen, you’ll see a list of different sizes you can create.
  2. Step 2: Select Your Image And Texts

    This is probably the most important part of designing your poster.
    Your images and the words you use on your poster are what will convince people to stop what they’re doing and read!
    To pick a background image, click “Background” followed by “Replace Photo.
  3. Step 3: Share Your Poster 

    Now that you’ve created the size, texts, and images on your poster, it’s time to put it out there!
    You can download your poster, print it out and hang it on the walls, or put it on social media

Monday 19 August 2019

today , i learn how to create my own video . so this the trial video by using "bitable" website. The way to use this apps is :

1; log in your google aaccount
2: pick what theme do you like 
3: design your animation video by using your own creativity 

Thursday 8 August 2019

script & storyboard


00:00 – 00:20
Assalamualaikum W.B.T harini saya md hamdan bersama ahli kumpulan saya iaitu mohd fikri & zaharif akan membincangkan tentang hari raya aidiladha dan ibadah korban



Music instrument

00:20 – 00:27

Hari Raya AIdiladha dan ibadah korban

Tajuk hari raya dan ibadah korban

00:27 – 01:36
Hari Raya Aidiladha : عيد الأضحى 'Eid Ul-Adha), Hari Raya Korban atau Hari Raya Haji merupakan perayaan yang dirayakan oleh umat Islam di seluruh dunia. Perayaan ini merupakan perayaan terbesar di dalam Islam selain Aidilfitri. Aidiladha disambut pada hari ke-10, ke-11, ke-12 dan ke-13 bulan Zulhijjah setiap tahun. Aidiladha ialah perayaan yang istimewa kerana ia merupakan hari untuk umat Islam memperingati kisah pengorbanan Nabi Ibrahim a.s. dalam menunaikan perintah Allah dan kesabaran anaknya Nabi Ismail a.s. dalam memenuhi perintah Allah SWT. Dari segi bahasa, korban bermaksud dekat, manakala dari segi istilah ia bermaksud menjalankan perintah agama atau taat kepada perintah Allah kerana ingin mendekatkan diri kepada-Nya.

Hari Raya Korban jatuh pada hari kesepuluh pada bulan Zulhijjah, bulan terakhir dalam kalendar Hijrah Islam. 10 Zulhijjah merupakan tarikh penting dalam sejarah Islam kerana Nabi Adam dan isterinya Hawa dikeluarkan dari syurga dan diturunkan ke bumi sebelum berjumpa di padang Arafah, di luar bandar Mekah.


Music instrument background

01:36 – 02:06

Music instrument

02:06 – 02:11
Okay sekarang ini kita akan menuju ke tempat penyembelihan lembu  


Music instrument

02:11 – 02:31

Tempat penyembelihan lembu
Music instrument

02:31 – 03:11
Memotong seluruh halqum(saluran nafas) dan seluruh marih (saluran makanan dan minuman).Niat untuk menyembelih ketika melakukan penyembelihan.Jika seseorang memegang pisau di tangannya dan terlepas pisau itu daripada tangannya, lalu terkena leher binatang dan terputus seluruh halqum dan marihnya, tidaklah dikira sebagai penyembelihan, kerana tidak ada niat untuk melakukan penyembelihan, maka tidak halal memakan daging binatang tersebut.Hendaklah binatang itu mati semata-mata disebabkan oleh penyembelihan (tidak dilakukan satu perbuatan lain yang boleh membawa maut kepada binatang itu ketika disembelih).lain yang boleh membawa maut kepada binatang itu ketika disembelih).

Tempat penyembelihan
Music instrument background

Okay kita telah sampai ke hujung rancangan kami . Jika kami ada tersilap Bahasa harap diampun. Saya mewakili ahli kumpulan saya ingin mengucapkan selamat hari raya aidiladha  

03:31 -  03:41

Music instrument

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